Personalized USB data blockers

With 22 years of expertise in the promotional products field, Loopper stands as a premier provider of cutting-edge solutions like personalized USB data blockers. In today's digital age, protecting one's data has become paramount, making USB data blockers not just a practical tool, but a vital one. These devices offer a unique promotional opportunity, allowing your brand to be associated with security and trust. By customizing these USB data blockers with your company's logo or message, you're not only providing a valuable safeguard for your clients' and employees' data but also enhancing your brand's visibility in a subtle yet impactful way. Ideal for tech companies, corporate events, or as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness campaign, our personalized USB data blockers serve as a constant reminder of your brand's commitment to privacy and protection. To discover how these promotional items can benefit your brand, contact us at +44 20 4576 5960 or via email at, and take the first step towards a more secure digital presence.
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Fast delivery

Fast delivery

Privacy kit | ABS Plastic | 3 different blockers
Privacy kit | ABS Plastic | 3 different blockers
from 25 pieces
Friday 31 May 2024
4,12 per piece
All-in for 250 pieces
Ordered today, delivered in 10 workdays
Blocker set | PP | With case
Blocker set | PP | With case
from 25 pieces
Tuesday 04 June 2024
4,22 per piece
All-in for 250 pieces
Ordered today, delivered in 12 workdays

Fast delivery

Fast delivery

USB data blocker | ABS | Incognito
USB data blocker | ABS | Incognito
from 25 pieces
Friday 31 May 2024
2,43 per piece
All-in for 250 pieces
Ordered today, delivered in 10 workdays